Englisch » Arabisch

conclude a transaction or deal VERB (strike, make)

having a great deal of VERB

deal a deathblow or a fatal blow VERB (someone)

Beispielsätze für a deal

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They all strike a deal that sacrifices people's privacy and security at the altar of corporate liability protection.
The idea of unions sitting around a big table trying to hammer out a deal is so farcical.
But this time he offers her a deal: he'll let her live, if she'll do anything and everything he asks.
But its significance is that it indicated at least a subset of the most important oil-exporting countries may be ready to do a deal.
And the two governments are expected to soon hash out a deal that keeps it that way for months to come.
Dean also said party leaders would not force a deal, but let the voters vote.
He offered to exchange his horse for the mule, a deal to which the surprised chief readily agreed.
This employer needs to get a new attitude and hammer out a deal -- right now.
Juvenile 1 claimed there was a deal arranged to buy cough syrup from the victim for $40.
The original first prize was to be $1,157,737.50, but the final six players in the tournament struck a deal to more evenly divide the prize money.

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