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admonish [ədˈmɑːnɪʃ, Brit -ˈmɒn-] VERB trans

dormitory <-ies> [ˈdɔːrmətɔːri, Brit ˈdɔːmɪtəri] SUBST

1. dormitory:

2. dormitory Am UNIV:

art history SUBST

territory <-ies> [ˈterətɔːri, Brit ˈterɪtəri] SUBST

transitory [ˈtræntsətɔːri, Brit -sɪtəri] ADJ

directory [dɪˈrektəri] SUBST

1. directory (book):

2. directory COMPUT:

inventory <-ies> [ˈɪnvəntɔːri, Brit -tri] SUBST

1. inventory (catalog):

2. inventory Am (stock):

mandatory [ˈmændətɔːri, Brit -ətri] ADJ form

derogatory [dɪˈrɑːgətɔːri, Brit -ˈrɒgətəri] ADJ

laboratory <-ies> [ˈlæbrəˌtɔːri, Brit ləˈbɒrətri] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In a nutshell, the problem with such lessons is that, unfortunately, history does not speak to the present with so clear an admonitory voice.
Love poems, laments, epigrams, admonitory (didactic) and narrative poems.
Discussions concerning the merkabah were limited to only the most worthy sages, and admonitory legends are preserved about the dangers of overzealous speculation concerning the merkabah.
A silence hangs over all, admonitory and poisoned and portentous.
Instead, the story rushes through a possession to reiterate an admonitory about faith when the third act turns into a protracted exorcism.

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