10 Englische Witze
Den Engländern wird weltweit oft ein sehr trockener Humor bescheinigt – ganz im Gegensatz zu den Deutschen, von denen man ja gemeinhin denkt, sie gingen zum Lachen in den Keller. Doch was bringt die Leute von der Insel überhaupt zum Schmunzeln? In unserem Artikel findest du zehn Beispiele für englische Witze, inklusive vieler Wortspiele oder wie man im Englischen sagt: puns. Wenn du etwas nicht verstehst, klick einfach auf die verlinkten Wörter und schlag in unserem Online-Wörterbuch nach. Und du wirst sehen: so unterschiedlich ist der Humor der Engländer gar nicht zu unserem. Viel Spaß!
Aus © Beate Stern (2021), 101 Witze Englisch zum Lachen & Lernen, PONS GmbH, Stuttgart
#1 Things in common
- "What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common?"
- "Their middle names."
#2 Yummy!
An old man and a young man work together in an office. The old man keeps a jar of peanuts on his desk and the young man really loves peanuts. One day while the old man is out to lunch the young man yields to temptation and scoffs down over half of the contents of the jar. When the old man returns the young man guiltily confesses to his crime. "Don’t worry son. I never eat the peanuts anyway", the old man replies. "Since I lost my teeth, all I can do is suck the chocolate off the M&M’s."
#3 A loving husband
- "It’s your birthday coming up and I still don’t have any idea what to buy you. Have you any suggestions?"
- "I want a divorce!"
- "I’m terribly sorry, dear, but I wasn’t planning on spending that much!"
#4 Evolution theories
A little girl asked her mother where the human race came from. The mother answered, "God made Adam and Eve and so all mankind was made." The girl asked her father the same question who answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved." The confused girl returned to her mother and said, "How is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God and Dad said we came from monkeys?" The mother smiled, "I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his."
#5 Catch me if you can
- "Which is faster, heat or cold?"
- "Heat, because you can catch a cold."
#6 Diplomacy
- "What is a diplomat?"
- "A man who can tell you to go to hell and make you look forward to the trip."
#8 All alone
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman are all stranded on a desert island together when they find a magic lantern that grants them each a wish. The Englishman wishes he was back in London and suddenly disappears in a cloud of smoke. The Scotsman wishes he was in Glasgow and also vanishes. The Irishman looks at the lantern sadly and says, "I feel lonely, I wish my friends were back again!"
#9 Grammar champion
- "Billy, name two pronouns!"
- "Who, me?"
- "Well done!"
#10 Ugly faces
Seeing one of her students making faces at others in the playground, Mrs. Matthews stopped to gently reprove the child. Smiling sweetly the teacher said, "When I was a child, I was told if I made ugly faces I would stay like that." The student looked up and replied, "Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned, Mrs. Matthews."
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