Akzent vs. Dialekt

Bist du Fan der englischen Premier League oder schaust dir gerne internationale Spiele mit englischen Kommentaren an? Lässt du bei einem Englandbesuch den Buckingham Palace links liegen und es zieht dich eher an die Anfield Road oder nach Old Trafford? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Wir stellen dir die wichtigsten englischen Fußballbegriffe vor, sodass du immer am Ball bleiben kannst. Starte jetzt mit Teil 1 unserer Liste!
Abwehrspieler(in), der/die – defender |
Tottenham bought a new defender from an Australian club. |
Aufstellung, die – line-up, team |
He presented a rather defensive line-up. |
auswechseln: jdn für jdn ~ – to replace somebody with somebody |
He was replaced after just 20 minutes. |
Auswechselspieler(in), der/die – substitute |
How many substitutes are allowed in a World Cup match? |
Ersatzbank, die – bench |
She has had to sit on the bench for the last three matches. |
Flügelstürmer(in), der/die – winger |
The new kid is one of the best wingers in the entire league. |
Kapitän, der – captain |
He took over the captain’s armband from Schweinsteiger. |
Mannschaft, die – team |
Klopp assembled a really strong team this season. |
Mannschaftsaufstellung, die |
siehe: Aufstellung |
Mittelfeldspieler(in), der/die – midfielder |
The midfielder scored twice against Tottenham. |
Nationalmannschaft, die – national team |
Who is going to take charge of the national team after the World Cup? |
Nationalspieler(in), der/die – national player |
Brazil’s women’s national players will be paid the same as their male counterparts. |
Rückennummer, die – shirt number |
John inherited his shirt number from his predecessor. |
Stürmer(in), der/die – forward, striker |
The French forward scored 30 goals last season. |
Torschütze/Torschützin, der/die – scorer |
She was the top scorer in the 19/20 season. |
Torwart/Torfrau, der/die – goalkeeper, goalie (ugs.) |
The Australian goalie played a central role in the penalty shoot-out. |
Trainer(in), der/die – trainer |
As Liverpool trainer, Klopp led the team to the title. |
Verteidiger(in), der/die |
siehe: Abwehrspieler(in) |
ins Aus gehen – to go out of play |
The ball went out of play. |
Eckfahne, die – corner flag |
The ball hit the corner flag and bounced back on the pitch. |
Latte, die – crossbar |
He hit the crossbar in the second half, but the team didn’t manage to turn the game around. |
Mittellinie, die – halfway line |
Neuer rushed up to the halfway line. |
Pfosten, der – (goal)post |
He took the ball from Ronaldo but only managed to hit the post. |
Platz, der – (playing) field |
The player was sent off the field. |
Sechzehner, der |
siehe: Strafraum |
Spielfeld, das |
siehe: Platz |
Strafraum, der – penalty area |
He was fouled in the penalty area. |
Tor, das – goal |
Gooooooaaaaal! Mané scores again! |
Torlinie, die – goal-line |
I am pretty sure the ball didn’t cross the goal-line. |
Torwinkel, der – (top) corner |
She missed the top right corner by only a whisker. |
absteigen – to be relegated |
This season they were relegated to the third division. |
aufsteigen – to go up |
Can they still go up to the Premier League? |
Auswärtsspiel, das – away game/match |
They usually do very well in their away games. |
Heimspiel, das – home game/match |
They have lost all their home games so far. |
Liga, die – division, league |
The team plays in the first division now. |
Meister, der – champion |
Liverpool are this season’s Premier League champions. |
Meister werden – to win the league |
They won the Premier League 15 times. |
Meisterschaft, die – championship, league |
Will Bayern Munich take the championship again this season? |
Niederlage, die – defeat |
The team had to suffer defeat after defeat. |
Relegationsspiel, das – relegation game/match |
The two rivals will face each other in the next relegation match. |
Sieg, der – victory |
Manchester United secured their first victory of the season. |
Spieltag, der – match day |
Having already secured the championship, the team lost 3 points on the last match day. |
Tabelle, die – table |
Borussia Dortmund are back on top of the table. |
unentschieden ausgehen – to end in a draw |
The match ended in a 1:1 draw. |
unentschieden stehen – (scores:) to be level |
After 75 minutes, the scores were still level. |
Verein, der – club |
The club dismissed their trainer two matches into the season. |
Teil 2 zum englischen Fußballvokabular gibt's übrigens hier.
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