
Englische Fußballbegriffe - Teil 2

Bist du Fan der englischen Premier League oder schaust dir gerne internationale Spiele mit englischen Kommentaren an? Lässt du bei einem Englandbesuch den Buckingham Palace links liegen und es zieht dich eher an die Anfield Road oder nach Old Trafford? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Wir stellen dir die wichtigsten englischen Fußballbegriffe vor, sodass du immer am Ball bleiben kannst. Jetzt geht's weiter mit Teil 2 unserer Fußball-Liste.

Das Spiel

Abschlag, der – goal kick/kick out

The goalkeeper’s goal kick/kick out went straight out.

Abpfiff, der – the final whistle

They left the stadium right after the final whistle.

abpfeifen – to blow the final whistle

When the referee blew the final whistle, the crowd went wild.

im Abseits sein – to be offside

Come on, he was clearly offside!

Abstoß, der

siehe: Abschlag

Angriff, der – attack

The spectators witnessed several strong attacks in the first 10 minutes.

Anpfiff, der – kick-off

Kick-off is 8:45 p.m.

Ball, der – ball

She put the ball into the top corner of the goal.

Ecke, die/Eckball, der – corner (kick)

Just two minutes before the final whistle, they were given another corner.

Einwurf, der – throw-in

Leading 2:1, the team kept delaying their throw-ins.

einwechseln (jdn für jdn ~) – to bring on somebody for somebody/to substitute somebody for somebody

She was brought on for the injured captain.

Elfmeter, der

siehe: Strafstoß

Elfmeterschießen, das – penalty shoot-out/penalties

The match was decided on penalties/in the penalty shoot-out.

Eigentor, das – own goal

A late own goal decided the quarter-final.

Fallrückzieher, der – overhead kick

She scored with a stunning overhead kick.

Flanke, die – cross, centre (BE)

Müller puts in a cross and Lewandowski scores.

Flügel, der – wing

For most of her time as a professional player, she played on the left wing.

foulen (jdn ~) – to foul somebody

He was badly fouled by the German defender.

Freistoß, der – free kick

Liverpool is awarded yet another free kick.

Gegner, der – opponent

They are facing a fierce opponent today.

gewinnen (gegen jdn ~) – to win (against somebody)

The Gunners won against ManU in the last minute.

Halbzeit, die

siehe: Spielhälfte

Hattrick, der – hat-trick

That was Lewandowski’s second hat-trick in two consecutive matches.

Karte, die (gelbe/rote) – (yellow/red) card

She saw her third yellow card and is banned from the next match against Wolfsburg.

Kopfball, der – header

He put in a header from close range.

Mauer, die – wall

She bent a free kick around the wall and saved the game.

Nachspielzeit, die – injury time, stoppage time

The referee adds three minutes of injury time.

Schiedsrichter(in), der/die – referee

The referee awarded a dubious penalty to the home team.

schießen – to shoot

She shot two goals in less than 20 minutes.

Schwalbe, die – dive

It was clearly a dive!

sperren (jdn ~) – to ban somebody

He was banned for two matches.

Spiel, das/Partie, die – match

They won all their matches in the qualifiers.

Spielhälfte, die – half

Arsenal was fast asleep during the first half.

Strafstoß, der – penalty (kick)

After a nasty foul, they were awarded a penalty (kick).

Torchance, die – (goalscoring) opportunity

What a brilliant match with lots of goalscoring opportunities for both teams.

Trikot, das – jersey

The new jersey for the national team has just been revealed.

unfair/unsportlich – unfair, unsporting, unsportsmanlike

He was accused of unsportsmanlike behaviour.

verletzt/Verletzung, die – injured/injury

She will miss at least three matches because of her injuries.

verlieren – to lose

Fulham lost again.

Das Stadion

Ansage, die – announcement

Shhh! Listen to the announcement!

Dauerkarte, die – season ticket

Season tickets are hard to get.

Eintrittskarte, die – ticket

Keep your ticket ready.

Gästeblock, der – away supporters’ section

Oh dear, the away supporters section is just next to our seats.

Halbzeitpause, die – half-time (break)

We bought some drinks during half-time.

Stadion, das – stadium

The new stadium cost a fortune.

Tribüne, die – stand

The stands are full.

Das Turnier

Achtelfinale, das – the last sixteen

They have always reached the last sixteen.

ausscheiden – to drop out

They dropped out in the first round.

Europameisterschaft, die – the European Championships

Due to the pandemic, the European Championships have been postponed until 2021.

Endspiel, das – final

Germany made it to the final once again.

Halbfinale, das – semi-final

The semi-final will take place on Monday.

Pokal, der – cup

The captain kissed the cup.

Pokalspiel, das – cup match, cup tie

They are definitively the underdog in Saturday’s cup tie.

Viertelfinale, das – quarter-final

They have never made it to the quarter-final.

Vorrunde, die – preliminaries, preliminary round

She scored twice during the preliminaries.

Weltmeisterschaft, die – the World Cup

The World Cup in Qatar will take place in winter.

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