Englisch » Arabisch

gums ZOOL


gum <a gum; gums> SUBST BIO

engine gum ARCHIT

gum content PETROCHEM

gum inhibitor CHEM

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They also eat the exudes of plants such as gums and saps, easily gouged from the trees they are living in.
Improper or over-vigorous brushing may cause sore gums, damage to tooth enamel, gingivitis, and bleeding gums.
It is a complex emulsion consisting of proteins, alkaloids, starches, sugars, oils, tannins, resins, and gums that coagulate on exposure to air.
Oil pulling with sesame is an ancient technique to improve teeth and gums.
The floss is gently inserted between the teeth and wiped along the teeth sides, especially close to the gums or underneath them.
Though the process of teething is sometimes referred to as cutting teeth, when teeth emerge through the gums they do not cut through the flesh.
The herders also gather resins and gums to supplement their income.
They descend on the tuberosity of the maxilla and give off several twigs to the gums and neighboring parts of the mucous membrane of the cheek.
These long portions differ from traditional sachets in that they are slimmer but longer, in order to fit against the gums more comfortably.
If the poisoning is not severe, one may experience "lead line" on the gums, a metallic taste, muscle weakness, and dizziness.

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