Englisch » Arabisch

nerve <a nerve; nerves> SUBST

hypoglossal nerve SCHULE

nerve block MED

nerve center SUBST MED

nerve gas SUBST

nerve pathoway PSYCHO

obturator nerve SUBST

olfactory nerve MED

sciatic nerve SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It overlies the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve.
Our other payment provider has understandably lost their nerve.
He was also a very calm player that kept his cool even in nerve-wrecking situations.
A brain glioma can cause headaches, nausea and vomiting, seizures, and cranial nerve disorders as a result of increased intracranial pressure.
The reason was traced to deadening a nerve which runs under the knee and being deprived of oxygen while being depressed while kneeling.
A glioma of the optic nerve can cause visual loss.
The goal of surgery is to join healthy nerve to unhealthy nerve.
It's thought that antidepressants may increase the effects of brain receptors that help nerve cells keep sensitivity to glutamate which is an organic compound of a nonessential amino acid.
Even after recovering, he had nerve damage that led to partial loss of feeling in both feet, another reason he clomps when he walks.
The somatomotor portion of radial nerve innervating anconeus bifurcates from the main branch in the radial groove of the humerus.

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