Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was a chubby child and was even sent to fat camp by his parents.
The dispassionate voice informs them their life-support system is required for the survival of its race; an agent has been sent to take itby force, if necessary.
In 1907, the posthumous policy was completely reversed and medals were sent to the next of kin of the six officers and men.
A diverter at the top of the elevator allows the grain to be sent to the chosen bin.
Fifty-six plant employees were exposed to radiation after being sent to mop up the leak.
However, his military entrance examination indicated that he had an aptitude for biology, and he was sent to study both biology and entomology.
In 2013, a record amount of it was grown and sent to market, which resulted in a price decline of 40 percent.
Dross is usually skimmed off and sent to a dross furnace to recover the non-lead components which are sold to other metal manufacturers.
When one eye turns inward, outward, upward, or downward, two different pictures are sent to the brain.
Captured by the authorities, she is sent to a reformatory, where she finds herself in more and more trouble while trying to adjust.

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