decoder im PONS Wörterbuch

decoder Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This signals the decoder that the zero bits added due to padding should be excluded from the reconstructed data.
The total algorithmic delay for the encoder and decoder is 36 ms.
Analog tone decoders used in telephone and two-way radio systems are designed to work in a balance between expensive, complicated filtering and low cost simplicity.
The levels of row and column tones must be similar in order for a decoder to interpret them reliably.
H.264 video and other multichannel surround sound audio standards still require third party decoders.
This simplifies the design of the decoder for these codes, using small low-power electronic hardware.
The argument above shows that whenever the decoder receives a code not in its dictionary, the situation must look like this.
It faced difficulty in educating retailers and customers on the use of the original decoders.
This element was a routine in the smartcard that would prove to the decoder that the card was indeed a genuine card.
The decryption cards will probably license for $10 to $20, much less than the $50 for a simple decoder or $500 for a full featured digital video recorder.

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