tightrope walker im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für tightrope walker im Englisch»Serbisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

How does the tightrope walker manage to maintain her balance and avoid that fatal drop from the sky?
The house is spacious but oddly decorated: the most prominent features are a broken clock with a clown face, and a toy tightrope walker.
He couldn't survive as a tightrope walker for 20 years unless he knows exactly what he knows and what he doesn't know.
These tightrope walkers drew huge crowds to witness their exploits.
If anything, his past confirms only that he's capable of anything, a tightrope walker inching the wobbly line between supreme control and animal impulse.
The best medical diagnosis programs contain immensely detailed knowledge of the human body but can't deduce that a tightrope walker would have a great sense of balance.
I also get a slight bit excited every time the tightrope walker gets mentioned in passing.
It's like watching a tightrope walker sling a wire between two far-distant skyscrapers and set off in the middle of a gale.
Her father rebelled against becoming a temple priest and instead joined a circus where he worked as a trapeze artist, lion tamer, tightrope walker and magician.
Now that sport is giving rise to a new breed of climber - half mountaineer, half tightrope walker and full daredevil.

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