Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They tumble down the sheer rock face like extreme-sports enthusiasts, all flailing arms and legs, grabbing a new hold just seconds from death.
A sort of listlessness takes hold of the crowd, as though they are spectators rather than participators, flailing about the venue in constant pursuit of the exit doors.
Heavier masses are unsafe, with most panic snaps because of the possibility of injury from flailing cordage.
The overt subtext and over-the-top performances -- with actors flailing around sets and yelling their inflated, grandiloquent dialogue -- demand attention and reaction, whether positive or negative.
Gorse stands are often managed by regular burning or flailing, allowing them to regrow from stumps or seed.
And he said she was overweighted and panicking and was flailing and knocked his mask off and knocked the regulator out of his mouth.
But horrid doctor skills and flailing at the very public sport of tennis, and his obliviousness to it all?
The ground shook harder, and more arms were flailing about (and blocking my viewalthough, my lack of height may have something to with that).
He shook dreadfully for a time, and groaned while flailing about.

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