overshoot im PONS Wörterbuch

overshoot Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to overshoot the mark
to overshoot the mark

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They were headstrong, wide casting hounds, inclined to change or overshoot, but determined in their pursuit of a quarry to the death.
Instead, ventilation overshoots and can generate an opposite disturbance to the original disturbance.
This opens the heating contacts slightly early to prevent the space temperature from greatly overshooting the thermostat setting.
Such a mechanism can be too fast for the user's desired motion, with the assisted motion overshooting the desired position.
You'd be surprised how many kitchen gadgets overshoot this brew time, taking 8, 9, even 10 minutes or more to complete the brewing cycle.
The water parcel will overshoot its original equilibrium position and this disturbance will set off an internal gravity wave.
Since tension restores the string to equilibrium (overshooting many times along the way), it is called the restoring force.
In essence, to ensure inflation expectations are around 2 per cent over the medium-term, some overshoot may be required to offset the prolonged period of undershooting the inflation target.
A pilot who is overshooting the turn to final approach may be tempted to apply rudder to increase the rate of turn.
It is closely related to overshoot, generally occurring following overshoot, and thus the terms are at times conflated.

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