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Übersetzungen für reminiscent im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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remi·nis·cent [ˌremɪˈnɪsənt, Am -əˈ-] ADJ

1. reminiscent (suggestive, evocative):

to be reminiscent [of sb/sth]
to be reminiscent [of sb/sth]

2. reminiscent (recalling the past):

to be in a reminiscent mood

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be in a reminiscent mood

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On the ground floor, the rusticated walls are pierced by small windows more reminiscent of a prison than a grand house.
They often surround the cytotrophoblasts, reminiscent of their normal anatomical relationship in chorionic villi.
Her illustrations, painted in gouache, are colorful and two-dimensional, reminiscent of folk art.
A blondie may have a taste reminiscent of butterscotch.
When crushed, the leaves emit an odor reminiscent of lemons.
Unlike cementite, which has bonding reminiscent of ceramic materials, the hardness of martensite is difficult to explain in chemical terms.
As consequence, there had been conflict with other parties, rising to a pitch reminiscent of religious fanaticism of former times.
In shape, size, color, and sculpture, the shell of this species is reminiscent of that of a small strawberry, hence the common name.
Pure ethyl cinnamate has a fruity and balsamic odor, reminiscent of cinnamon with an amber note.
His designs would vary from geometric to organic and, sometimes, his references were reminiscent from folk art.

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