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Übersetzungen für deafness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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deaf·ness [ˈdefnəs] SUBST no pl

deafness (complete)
deafness (partial)

ˈword deaf·ness SUBST no pl

word deafness

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If a child has profound or total deafness, the benefits of hearing aids are limited.
Most forms of nonsyndromic deafness are associated with permanent hearing loss caused by damage to structures in the inner ear.
As an example, people who experience adult-onset deafness become less able to produce accurate speech.
He has been profoundly deaf since birth and his deafness developed his strong sense of seeing.
Some forms of nonsyndromic deafness involve changes in both the inner ear and the middle ear; this combination is called mixed hearing loss.
Different mutations in the same gene can cause different types of hearing loss, and some genes are associated with both syndromic and nonsyndromic deafness.
Usually, each parent of an individual with autosomal recessive deafness is a carrier of one copy of the altered gene.
How does the condition of deafness lead to the creation of a culture?
The main disadvantage is profound deafness in the operated ear due to violation of the membranous labyrinth.
In 1867, with the onset of deafness, he was obliged to withdraw from musical activity.

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