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lava·tory [ˈlævətəri, Am -tɔ:ri] SUBST usu Brit

Toilette f <-, -n>
public lavatory
to go to the lavatory

ˈlava·tory pan SUBST Brit dated

lavatory pan
Bettschüssel f <-, -n>

ˈlava·tory pa·per SUBST no pl esp Brit dated

lavatory paper
Toilettenpapier nt <-(e)s, -e>
lavatory paper
Klopapier nt <-s, -e> ugs
lavatory paper
WC-Papier nt CH

ˈlava·tory seat SUBST esp Brit

lavatory seat
lavatory seat
CH a. WC-Brille f

lavatory roll SUBST

lavatory roll Brit
lavatory roll (toilet paper) Brit

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

public lavatory
to go to the lavatory

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is also two bathhouse facilities, each contain hot showers, commodes and lavatories.
When the captain announced clearance for landing, seven of the men stood in unison and went to the lavatory, each taking about four minutes.
The suburban coach seated 82, while the main line coach, fitted with lavatories, seated 70 passengers.
A new roof, proper drainage, a wheelchair accessible front porch, electrical service and a working lavatory are among the improvements.
There he helped to work on a tunnel which started in a lavatory in one of the brick blocks.
She was struck around the face with electric cable and made to clean lavatories with her bare hands.
A single storey extension for an entrance lobby, kitchen and lavatories was built in 1967.
The modern hotel included many bathrooms and twenty lavatories.
A lavatory is located beneath the main staircase.
The aircraft can be fitted with an optional lavatory, using space otherwise available for passenger seating and cargo storage.

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