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Übersetzungen für neurone im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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neu·ron [ˈnjʊərɒn, Am ˈnʊrɑ:n, ˈnjʊr-], Brit a. neu·rone [ˈnjʊərəʊn, Am ˈnʊroʊn] SUBST

Neuron nt <-s, -ro̱nen>

mo·tor ˈneu·rone dis·ease SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He has expressed the pain of having a relative with motor neurone disease.
This posterior neuron produces a train of impulses, which excites the other posterior neurones.
There are a number of different types of afferent neurones which vary in their size, structure and properties.
The third and least common pattern affects the cell bodies of neurones directly.
The cornflower is also the symbol for motor neurone disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
However, following an operation to correct a hernia in 1984, he noticed a stiffness in his right side, which was diagnosed as motor neurone disease.
In 2010, he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
Cough receptors project to relay neurones in the solitary nucleus, which project to other parts of the respiratory networks.
Miniature joysticks are also available for people with conditions involving muscular weakness such as muscular dystrophy or motor neurone disease.
The heart contracts when the posterior neurones activate the five anterior neurones, which send impulses to the muscle cells.

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