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Übersetzungen für mi̱en im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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mien [mi:n] SUBST liter

Miene f <-, -n>
Gebaren nt <-s> liter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Did the poised and confident mien of the beautiful actress mask a sick fear, night after night, that she'd miss an important cue?
One can see how his studious mien together with his partner's affability could work like a charm.
Loud, arch and snappishly funny, she has the mien of a runaway train, words hurtling forth helter-skelter.
Their vigorous and decisive mien was contrasted with that of politicians who were, by contrast, portrayed as vacillating and weak.
He is described as a stalwart man of fierce mien, lithe and supple as a beast.
Both in his mien and his looks, he is a man of masculine charm who inspires anyones admiration (41).
His dignified figure, commanding respect, and his spiritual mien seemed to impress even them.
An inclination to keep his friends, and nowhere fastidious or the victim of manias but his own master in everything, and his outward mien cheerful.
Suitable machines were transported from the deeper levels of the mien to the public area.
He has a shade of a mustache and a small beard; nevertheless he has a pleasant mien, though his skin tends to be a light pallor.

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