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terms <a term; terms> SUBST


conventional terms terms WIRTSCH

allocation terms WIRTSCH

conversion terms WIRTSCH

current terms

delivery terms

detail terms WIRTSCH

easy terms

Excluded terms SUBST COMPUT

extended terms WIRTSCH

freight terms SUBST COMPUT

license terms WIRTSCH

like terms MATH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In control occupancy terms this comparatively long interval degrades the traffic capacity of a switch.
A year later, blue-collar wages were raised by 27% in real terms and white-collar wages became fully indexed.
The affiant then distributes the property to those entitled to it, whether per the terms of the decedent's will or the intestacy laws.
Many are or derive from nautical terms and other naval terminology.
Many people use the terms net-centric and network-centric interchangeably.
He proposes that we use imaginative schemata to structure abstract concepts largely in terms a set of spatial analogies he calls image schemata.
Despite this success, the magazine had a reputation for low-quality space opera and adventure fiction, and modern literary historians refer to it in dismissive terms.
In terms of bathing facilities, bathrooms require a bath or shower with an adequate supply of wholesome water.
Lease terms such as rental, term, option periods and outgoings recovery are pivotal in terms of value.
Unimaginable advances have been achieved in terms of increased life expectancy, reduced disease and access to lifestyles undreamed of by any tsar or pharaoh.

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