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Übersetzungen für metro im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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metro [ˈmetrəʊ] ADJ

Metro, metro [ˈmetrəʊ] <Metros, metros> SUBST


Metro card SUBST

Beispielsätze für metro

Metro Manila

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The complex will have both a tramway and a metro line running through it.
In 1974 a final report with a so-called street-metro proposal was tendered.
This was primarily to meet the growing traffic on these metros.
The windfall gains of this ancient technology have now all but evaporated, as the severe sun has parched the metro.
Throughout his reporting career, he has covered issues that would typically be considered metro desk stories, while presenting them in a manner more typical of magazine feature writing.
Service to the airport's Metro station began in 1977.
The woman at the counter thinks she must have misheard us -- 44 metro tickets is not something she has ever processed in her career.
Because of this limitation, the 10 trip older-style metro card (see below) remains the most cost-effective solution for the casual traveler.
That includes providing a pocket that can carry a metro card and a secure pocket for a mobile.
This made construction especially difficult, as metro train service could not be delayed during construction.

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