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Übersetzungen für nonfiction im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Burn wrote nine books of non-fiction, four novels and six books of poetry.
Books on the subject are predominantly non-fiction, and tend towards the forms of training manuals and historical accounts of athletics.
Although there are many scholarly debates surrounding the official genre classification of the book, it can best be described as a work of creative non-fiction.
The short stories submitted are all non-fiction personal essays.
It was the biggest non-fiction seller of the year of its release, selling over a million copies.
To date he has written four books, many short stories, and a great deal of poetry and non-fiction.
In addition to adventure stories, non-fiction aviation articles and aviation news were added, as were modeling articles.
It includes a prize for original works of literature, original illustrations, and non-fiction books for children.
The list is what it considers to be the 100 best non-fiction books published since 1900.
Some of both his fiction and non-fiction books and papers have dealt with intelligence and consciousness.

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