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Übersetzungen für shepherd's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . shepherd [ˈʃepəd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It gained its name because in the manuscript it immediately follows another nativity play involving the shepherds.
Shepherds were known to frequent the area in the 1870s to feed on the open grasslands, they were followed by sandalwood cutters in the 1880s.
Both of these areas are popular with wildlife enthusiasts, hikers, artists and photographers, cylists and shepherds grazing their goats and sheep.
There are seven shepherds around the manger, each of them coming to express their veneration for the divine baby.
Its style is rhetorical and pastoral; its shepherds and shepherdesses are wholly conventional, but the author imparts human interest to this idealized world.
Shepherds take their animals to the mountains for grazing.
There would finally be numerous servants, tailors, laundresses and their assistants, the messor, shepherds and cowherds for the farm, not to mention of residents of the hospital.
According to the legend the shepherds put masks on their heads, belted on bells, and produced a deafening noise that scared the enemy away.
As well as these are shown spinners and weavers, merchants, cooks, carters, butchers, apothecaries, furriers, bullock drivers, fishermen and shepherds.
Unlike farmers, shepherds were often wage earners, being paid to watch the sheep of others.

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