Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für aldermen im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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aldermen SUBST POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The greater part of his time was spent in wrangles with the aldermen and other city officers.
The re-warding increased the number of wards by two, up to 32 wards, raising in-turn the councillor total by six, to 90, and the aldermen total up two to 30.
The town's elector's, a council of 14 aldermen and bailiffs, had a predilection for lawyers.
A majority on the council and a large number of retiring aldermen finally enabled them to take 8 positions on the aldermanic bench.
This would give it limited political autonomy via an elected town council, comprising a mayor, aldermen, and councillors, to oversee local affairs.
Usually the number of the aldermen fluctuated from 19 to 25.
The district is administered by a trustee (president of the district committee) and three aldermen.
Half of the aldermanic bench (nine or ten aldermen) were elected every three years following the tri-ennial council election.
There were six councilors, four of which were aldermen and two mayors.
In 1695, three aldermen and three burgesses were appointed to collect contributions towards the maintenance costs.

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