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Übersetzungen für apologists im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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apologists REL

apologist <an apologist; apologists> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Apologists consider it implausible that grave robbers would risk robbing a guarded tomb when surely many unguarded ones existed.
Apologists respond that the word soon (other translations use shortly or quickly) does not have to be understood in the sense of close future.
She derided wife-beaters as well as the sycophants and apologists who excuse them.
What will it actually take for the snivelling leftist apologists who have got us in to this mess to admit their culpability?
Apologists respond that this is not a prophecy but a statement.
Some apologists for internment have cited the renunciations as evidence that disloyalty or anti-Americanism was well represented among the interned peoples, thereby justifying the internment.
Although, when modern tantric apologists and scholars employ the term symbolic as though no external practices were engaged in literally, they mislead and perpetuate an untruth.
Sanders agrees with apologists that it is unlikely that the disciples would create a fraud but looks at it differently.
Other apologists have countered with claims that the dating was indeed altered for one or another reason and should be understood as fable, not history.
Some apologists have pointed to the discovery of wheeled toys left in tombs.

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