Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für barbican im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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barbican SUBST MILIT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The barbican was 68 metres wide and 62 metres deep, with a sluice gate and archway on the northern side.
The surviving fabric includes a slot for a portcullis for the barbican's north gate, although there are no hinges for gates.
The barbican was 68 metres by 62 metres, with a sluice gate and an archway on the southern side.
An underground passage linked the barbican to one of the towers of the keep.
The castle could only be reached by a drawbridge over a narrow ravine, protected by a barbican.
The sluice gate towers and the barbican were dismantled in 1915 when the circum-city railway was built.
The barbican with its own gate and portcullis added an extra line of defence between the main entrance gate and the keep.
The barbican today is only half of its original height, and includes its own gate, designed to trap intruders within the inner defences.
An arrowhead shaped barbican was added to the east of the moat and was protected by another moat and machicolated battlements on the north side.
The barbican was 68 metres by 62 metres, with a sluice gate and an archway on its western side.

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