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Übersetzungen für blanket order im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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blanket order WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like standing and blanket orders, a library only has to develop a contract once with a vendor or publisher and these are automatically delivered when they are printed.
What bothers me is the blanket order on all temples without taking into account each temple's history, customs and traditions, which are bound to be unique.
Any order other than a total blanket order would have been impossible to monitor administratively.
The court ruling was a blanket order to restore the interim federal health-care program or something equivalent to it.
As you build shipping volume, switch to ordering shipping supplies with blanket orders subject to monthly releases in the quantities you need.
Blanket orders are the library making a commitment to purchase all of something.
As recommended in my formal submission, the provision should be amended to preclude blanket orders by deleting the authority to make class orders.
But, ministry officials argued that a blanket order can not be issued and thus, the 2009 order fell through.
Refusing to pass a blanket order on this issue, the court noted that the compliance of such a request could be difficult if the police are travelling with the accused.
Strategy and tower-defense games benefit from the large space; the interface makes it simple to place structures and issue blanket orders to large groups.

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