Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für blotter im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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blotter <a blotter; blotters> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Blotters inscribed with their titles mark their places.
The blotter did not say whether the dog survived.
On this journey, she found herself impassioned by the types of stories that could not be found in press release, government reports or police blotters.
At 2:25 a.m., according to the blotter, a team from the police station proceeded to the areas cited to serve as augmentation force.
Having athletes in the police blotter is not living up to that.
The hostess will find these blotters a protection against the blemishes left by tumblers on bridge tables and other polished surfaces.
A liquid solution of the drug is applied to the blotting paper, which commonly is perforated into individual doses and artfully decorated also known as blotter art.
Finally, the dangerous dose of strychnine is too high to be contained in a blotter square, even if the entire square were composed of the poison.
That and other incidents in this week's blotter.
Most blotter art designs have grid lines as part of the design to either aid in perforation or to be left as a cutting grid.

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