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Übersetzungen für branding iron im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I began to think about how to reduce my existing logo and to make a much smaller branding iron.
I use that branding iron to this day.
The finished forcible resembles more than anything a small branding iron.
His right forearm is striped with cuts from a scalpel and his left is scarred by a branding iron that left a third degree burn.
Companies also make electric branding irons.
On top of that, they have seared that white-on- red logo into our heads with its branding iron.
The same blind spot was evident in the explanation he offered of why the telephone call alerting him to this racket did not strike him like a branding iron.
Some ranches still heat branding irons in a wood or coal fire; others use an electric branding iron or electric sources to heat a traditional iron.
The spoon had been heated to such a degree that it could sear skin like a branding iron.
This is because hair is an excellent insulator, and must be removed so the extreme cold of the freeze branding iron can be applied directly to the skin.

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