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Übersetzungen für bungler im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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bungler <a bungler; bunglers> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's a ludicrous situation which, if the family are to be believed, is solely the fault of bureaucratic bunglers in local government.
Bay is a master bungler, grinding a promising plot into hamburger.
Unfortunately, they are total bunglers and often muddle up their brilliant ideas. 3.
The intelligence bunglers will be having to do much more to earn their keep.
Staring back at them are puny hordes of small-timers and bunglers whose misdeeds (however grave) are yawn-inducingly pedestrian, microscopic in scale, and utterly lacking in cinematic or literary potential.
Right-wingers would no doubt paint a picture of ill-tempered, deficit-denying bunglers who are forever meddling and bottling big decisions.
He was a scornful professional surrounded by complacent bunglers and windbags.
The landlord had hired an arsonist, the rumor went, to set us on fire and collect insurance, but he was a bungler.
He held himself apart as a renaissance man, but turned into a bungler who kept putting his foot in his mouth.
But while the rest of us are fined for failing to do so, does anything happen to the bunglers -- including the private sector consultancies -- responsible for this waste and expense?

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