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Übersetzungen für caravanserai im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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caravanserai SUBST

caravanserai (Places)
caravanserai (Places)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Total area of the caravanserai is 8000 m2 and dimensions are 55x85 meters.
The rooms have each one window looking outside the caravanserai.
The plan of the caravanserai is based on the four-iwan typology, with double-story halls centered on tall iwans enveloping four sides of an open courtyard.
Constructed in the form of a fortress to meet the needs of the time, the caravanserai was used as customshouse.
Since 1988, the lower caravanserai is used as a hotel complex for tourists, guests of the city and local residents.
Remains of several buildings including fortifications, an extensive caravanserai, mausoleum and three ovens have been identified.
The caravanserai in the complex was repaired in the 1980s and combined with new shops to begin functioning as a workplace.
The complex also contains a caravanserai, a tekyeh, a bathhouse, a cold water well, and a confectionary.
Caravanserai on all sides was surrounded by a park, an area of more than 5 hectares.
She gets an idea, and goes to see the town merchant who is about to leave with the caravanserai.

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