Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für cheery im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although his works at first glance have a cheery or boyish look about them, there is a more sensitive idea at their basis.
There have been changes, of course, in some of the details, but the principal itemthe bright, cheery personality of the performerhappily remains the same.
She took her part in town activities, attended her church, and offset his shyness with a cheery friendliness.
However, the cheery atmosphere is just a front for a much darker and evil plot.
The cheery sentiment of the lyrics carries over to the melody whose swirling bounciness provides a solid musical backdrop for the narrative's sunny tone.
We appreciate this games tight gameplay, super cheery graphics, and hilarious super moves.
Operators tested the lines by ringing every customer each morning at 7:00 am and bidding them a cheery good morning.
Her light half is bright, cheery, and heals allies, while her dark half is cold, brooding, and deals damage to enemies.
The result was an 80-year plan of a living cheery tree dome in an hourglass shape and grown furniture.
She has an eidetic memory, and a cheery, almost perky personality.

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