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Übersetzungen für city council im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The city council also used its privilege to select new magistrates, ignoring objections from the old magistrates who were still in office.
The site was originally coastal lagoons, and the city council had historically used the site as landfill rubbish tip.
In addition, there is a non-voting city council president and three voting at-large councilmen.
In late 2012, the cancer returned and, her health failing, she was forced to step down from the mayorship and city council.
The city council has the right to determine its own rules and order of business for council meetings.
Prior to 1957, he was appointed by the city council and the head of the executive branch.
Between 1994 and 1998, he served on the city council of Bern.
The city manager's duties include development and implementation of the annual budget for approval by the city council.
A crowd of separatists later rallied around the city council building, entered it, and raised the flag of the People's Republic over it.
The city council tabled the project, postponing a final decision on approving it until the businesses' concerns could be addressed.

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