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Übersetzungen für clerkship im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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clerkship SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He studied law, and then took a clerkship in a government office, which he resigned after three years.
After a single term, he chose not to run again, and resumed his clerkship.
The first 18 months of the curriculum are devoted to basic and clinical science; the remainder of the four-year program largely consists of clinical clerkships.
Judicial clerkships after graduation or law clerk positions at prestigious law firms while in school are also distinguishing marks.
Many more members held other sinecures of various kinds, mostly clerkships in government departments, posts which usually involved no actual work.
He devoted all his spare time to science, particularly chemistry, and before he was twenty resigned his clerkship to take up the manufacture of chemicals.
The duration of clerkships and internships varies from school to school, but all of them end at the 7th grade.
It offered a well-respected residency and fellowship program, and also served as a clerkship facility for students of medicine, nursing, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
Even within one school, the grading of the basic sciences and clinical clerkships may vary.
The remaining three years were attachment to clinical clerkships in medicine, surgery and midwifery, which covered pathology, hygiene and medical jurisprudence.

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