Englisch » Arabisch

count <a count; counts> SUBST

count MILIT
count JUR
count FIN

count VERB

count (ing)
count MATH

count <a count; counts> SUBST (ing)

count SCHULE

count VERB (off)

count MATH

count <a count; counts> SUBST


count SUBST


blood count

bucket count SUBST COMPUT

cash count

cash count WIRTSCH
cash count WIRTSCH

count adjustment INDUSTR

count-attraction SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some would even count the enactment or spiritual belief in therianthropy (werewolves, werecats, etc.) as falling under human animal roleplay or transformation play as well.
As is expected, all of the delegation chairs got to toss off some happy horsefeathers about their home state before announcing their delegate count.
Audience members receive one ballot each, and when the five performances are over, we count up the votes immediately to see who wins!
The laboratory results came back showing liver failure and a steeply elevated white blood cell count, indicating infection.
The standard dimensions and sheet count of a ream vary according to the type of paper.
The team wins a fixed cash amount based on each ingot; half-filled moulds do not count.
His sinker is his primary pitch, although he also likes to use his four-seamer early in the count against right-handed hitters.
She orders the attendants to lock the window, clean up, and conduct a head count.
Still, both cost- and time-intensive, this is a long-term contingency plan that few can count on.
This count behaved in a coltish, headstrong manner, resentful when he wasn't in control of every situation.

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