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crackle <a crackle; crackles> SUBST

crackle SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Chemical coatings can also be combined onto a single coating, allowing for a crackle tube to have multiple simultaneous filaments of several different colors.
The oven begins to crackle and the flames burn fiercely, and with a loud crash it explodes.
Critics claim this results in clipping or digital distortion which can be heard as crackling, particularly during bass drum hits.
One said that he gave the pilot a small burst of energy, while another said that he made it crackle with a bit of wit.
Then they hover and float through the air, crackling with static electricity and hunting the selected person apparently for sport.
The scene concludes with a final launch of fireworks and a set of bright white flashes that end with a loud crackle.
The celadon shards display a rich thick glaze with prominent crackle and crazing.
Patients may present with wheezing or crackles in the lungs.
The varnish is usually transparent, lustrous and soft, but occasionally displays a hard, dry and crackled appearance.
In addition to distressing the finish, the artisan may reapply historical paint colors, antique-like faux finish and crackle varnishes.

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