Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für craniosacral im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

craniosacral therapy SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This review had concluded that the evidence base surrounding craniosacral therapy and its efficacy was sparse and composed of studies with heterogeneous design.
Her cure consists of hands-on therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology, craniosacral therapy and, of course, that oft-seen cupping thing.
The first one we really got into was craniosacral therapy.
The specific technique combining principles of acupuncture, osteopathy, and massage known as craniosacral therapy works well for headaches due to stress and/or injury.
We also teach distraction exercises, craniosacral therapy and meditation, which are very effective forms of pain- management.

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