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Übersetzungen für cryogenic im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Cryogenic Fluid INDUSTR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A vacuum-insulated double-wall cryostat, resembling a gigantic version of a thermos flask, contains the cryogenic xenon and the dark matter detector.
Because of its low temperature liquid nitrogen can be extremely damaging to body tissue, causing frostbite and cryogenic burning on contact.
In a final production step, most of the helium that is produced is liquefied via a cryogenic process.
This combination was selected in order to avoid the expense and complexity of cryogenic storage, and to reduce development costs.
Cryogenic propellants (liquid oxygen oxidizer, and liquid hydrogen fuel) need to be continuously topped off (replace boil-off) as scheduled liftoff approaches.
Once someone's karma reaches zero, they are sentenced to specific periods of cryogenic respite until they work off their karmic debt.
Recent research on cryogenic hummocks has focused on their role as environmental indicators.
At its center, a very large cylindrical thermos flask or cryostat, held the cryogenic deuterium fusion fuel.
Another notable use of spiral groove bearings is in cryogenic expanders.
The valve is used to control flow of cryogenic liquid oxygen to the engine in a high-pressure, low-temperature, high-vibration physical environment.

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