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Übersetzungen für curium im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition to plutonium, he is credited as a lead discoverer of americium, curium, and berkelium, and as a co-discoverer of californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium and seaborgium.
The table to the right lists the critical masses for curium isotopes for a sphere, without a moderator and reflector.
This was the fifth transuranium element discovered after neptunium, plutonium, curium and americium.
The transuranium elements americium and curium also remain in the aqueous phase.
The production of the second-important isotope berkelium-247 involves the irradiation of the rare isotope curium-244 with high-energy alpha particles.
The most important isotopes in spent nuclear fuel are neptunium-237, americium-241, americium-243, curium-242 through -248, and californium-249 through -252.
This application is hindered by the scarcity, high cost and radioactivity of curium isotopes.
Upon short irradiation, this mixture is dominated by curium-246, and then curium-248 begins to accumulate.
All of the elements with higher atomic numbers, however, have been first discovered in the laboratory, with neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, berkelium and californium later also discovered in nature.
The americium-241 and curium-242 isotopes also were produced by irradiating plutonium in a nuclear reactor.

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