Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für despotic im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

despotic ADJ

despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL
despotic POL


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Nobility throughout his empire were largely opposed to his policies on taxes, and his egalitarian and despotic attitudes.
Such a state would inevitably be despotic, powerful, stable and wealthy.
In this society, books are banned and power is exercised by a corrupt and despotic militarized bureaucracy.
It's just a pity about the increasingly despotic government.
This sense of nationality was forged through conflict and was the result of opposition to a despotic governing body.
He claimed that foreign aid is often harmful because it propped up despotic regimes that might otherwise have collapsed from corruption, failure, or unpopularity.
This has been evidenced by history which stands testimony to the fact that highly despotic civilizations are the ones which tax salt production and trade.
The plot of the opera deals with despotic power and social injustice.
Nor then can the subjects in the subordinate government be reduced to a state of slavery, and subject to the despotic rule of others...
He reigns with much despotic power, including the ability to make judgments of life and death on his subjects.

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