Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für diehard im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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diehard <diehard; diehards> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was generally considered as one of the most diehard rightists in the contemporary military topbrass.
It was also advertised as a 4th generation bootleg, possibly in an attempt to increase sales from diehard fans.
Many diehard fans were disappointed with this change, complaining the game was too restricting of its options.
He delivers precisely what his diehard fans have been waiting for, though fresh converts may be hard to come by.
Attendees are advised to bring smelling salts for the ink-on-paper diehard set.
He kept it in the script because he did not wish to disappoint diehard fans of the books.
A juicy curiosity that only diehard golem-watchers will want to see through to the mangled finale.
The party that the group of diehard friends is having symbolizes the fun that they have on the lake, all summer long.
At 30 songs, the set is just too long for anyone but a diehard fan to really stay interested in the whole time.
The diehard public considered it to be an excellent come back, while others claimed the group was repetitive.

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