Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für disinfection im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

disinfection SUBST

disinfection MED
disinfection MED
disinfection MED

disinfection MED

disinfection lorry AUTO

disinfection lorry

solar disinfection

solar disinfection

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sonic irrigation is widely recognized across the world as an effective means for successfully cleaning instruments prior to disinfection and sterilisation.
Still, despite chlorine-based halazone tablets falling from favor for portable water purification, chlorine-based bleach may nonetheless safely be used for short-term emergency water disinfection.
Common factors included the presence of a railway station with waiting medical personnel and signs directing people to disinfection centers.
The wastewater will be treated by ozone, biological filters, ultraviolet disinfection, and chlorine.
It is used in hospitals and households for disinfection and sanitation.
He also stated in the trial that he had conducted laboratory disinfection experiments using chlorine as early as 1898.
Following scaling, additional other steps may be taken in order to ensure disinfection of the periodontal tissues.
Solar water disinfection is a low-cost method of purifying water that can often be implemented with locally available materials.
Disinfection of natural mineral water is completely prohibited, including the addition of any element that is likely to change bacterial colony counts.
Hand and surface disinfection practices are the first line of defense against infection.

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