Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für earthen im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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earthen ADJ

earthen dam ELEK

earthen dam

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Completed in 1978, a 71-foot-high earthen dam impounds water for flood control, public recreation, and wildlife conservation.
The overfall area is faced on the downstream side with cut granite, and earthen embankment on the upstream side.
The concrete section is flanked on both sides by earthen-embankment dams that total 3,320 ft. long.
There are many possibilities of what material to use, including cement-based stucco, or lime or earthen plaster.
The earthen walls date from 1896, the fort itself was finished in 1903.
It is an earthen structure, 162 ft high by 1700 ft long and contains 733000 cuyd of fill.
Nest in a chamber up to 1 metre long in an earthen creek bank. 57 white, rounded, glossy eggs.
This resulted in the lake overflowing, and eroding the western, earthen shoulder of the dam.
It would have been defended by an earthen bank and a palisade; some of the rampart remains as high as 0.3 m in some places.
On the inside, an earthen ramp was placed along the length of the wall, to enable defenders to access the top.

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