Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für elector im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

elector <Elector; Electors> SUBST

elector POL
elector POL
elector POL
elector POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An elector who votes for someone other than his or her candidate is known as a faithless elector.
As there was no secret ballot until 1872, the landowner could evict electors who did not vote for the man he wanted.
It has a total area of 110.7 km and a total population of 20,496 inhabitants, and 17,043 electors (2006).
Consequently, at the next election in 1858, he lost the support of electors in the northern area of the electorate and was defeated.
State legislators must also be qualified electors and residents in the district they represent during their time in office.
He was a presidential elector in 1828 and 1840.
A substantial rural area with a small number of electors is also included.
After a deadlocked tie at the election of 1229, the number of electors was increased from forty to forty-one.
For each 2000 inhabitants there was a representing elector, and one for each municipality even if it did not have a population of this size.
Critics suggest that this is only a temporary impact, and that there are dangers in people using ballot papers intended for other electors.

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