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Übersetzungen für farcical im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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farcical ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Eventually, however, in a farcical comedy of errors and mistaken identities, the plan fails, and the robbers are arrested.
This often lead to some farcical elements involving the brothers.
He added that the episode feels fresher because of the rapid-fire dialogue, farcical situations and ubiquitous double-entendres.
The mounting pressures of modern life coupled with never-ending desire make traditional values look farcical.
If we don't start from the top and deal capriciously with these daring criminals, it will surely be farcical to go after the low hanging fruit.
Her get-up is weird and illogical for the milieu in which she lives and her farcical mannerisms clash with the ugly realism of the theme.
But even more farcical was the government's diversion of $2 billion from the contingency reserve to balance the budget.
The remainder of the video was a half-hour narrative, in the form of a farcical film noir detective story.
Other elements are fast-pace repartee, farcical situations, escapist themes, and plot lines involving courtship and marriage.
All this is carried out at breakneck farcical speed with much involvement from a gleefully shouting audience.

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