Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für foist im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The troops had been dispersed in billets among the populace as per counter-insurgency practice of free-quarters where responsibility for the provisioning and sheltering of militia was foisted onto the populace.
Instead, they had the policy foisted on them.
She argues that each country has to find its own way to improve, that democratic revolution can not be foisted upon a people.
If military incursion in our politics is an aberration, what happens to the constitution foisted on us by the military?
It suggests social engineering: a political philosophy being foisted on an unwilling public.
They can use various means to foist unbacked paper currencies on their subjects, but printing up more bills will still lead to rising prices.
As a result, he said, those for euthanasia would dismiss any opposing argument as simply religious people foisting their morality on others.
In fact, it will end up costing this country much, much more to fix up the substandard system he is foisting on us.
And isn't their presence a sign that this is another attempt to foist classical music on a younger generation that doesn't really want it?
The company can foist unwanted features on the users or cut costs by reducing bandwidth.

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