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Übersetzungen für foothold im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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foothold <foothold; footholds> SUBST


gain or secure a foothold VERB

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He spends six years apprenticed to a musical historian to pay for his reviving costs and to gain a foothold in this new world.
He relentlessly pitched his ideas weekly, never gaining a foothold with any of them.
Zoo officials eventually hired experienced rock climbers to find every finger, toe, and foothold within the enclosure and spent $40,000 to eliminate them.
His desire to secure a foothold in television suggests the digital evangelists may have oversold their revolution.
Millions of years later, new life slowly gained a foothold on the land.
Once it reaches a foothold population it will go through a rapid growth rate that will start to level off once the species approaches carrying capacity.
Johns managed to gain foothold on the island, but failed to reach the summit.
The many piquant details her stories contain give her characters and the movies in which they appear a solid foothold in reality.
The second prototype added a lower fuselage foothold to ease the process, as well as fitting less angular glazing.
Certainly, advertising has gained a foothold among the explosion of mobile dating apps, and our washing machines and refrigerators know a lot about our particulars.

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