Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für futures market im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the first stage, foreign futures were allowed for trading; the second stage marked the creation of a domestic futures market.
In retirement, he now runs a sophisticated self-designed program that helps micro-analyze statistical behavior of the up-and-down pricing movement that underlies the pricing behavior of the futures market.
In addition, a new class of players in the oil market was gradually emerging as interest and liquidity grew in the futures market.
Until about 1710, only physical rice was traded but then a futures market emerged where "coupons", promising delivery of rice at a future time, began to be issued.
The oil futures market is also having a big impact on the increased levels.
The nonreportable open interest in a futures market is determined by subtracting the open interest of the commercial traders plus non-commercial traders from the total open interest in that market.
Soft commodities play a major part in the futures market.
One complication involved when looking at the overall level of open interest in a futures market is the impact of deliveries.
The offsetting of long positions with short futures would only appear to be naked, as participants to the futures market are under no obligation to divulge their hedge.
With an increasing product variety and deepening liquidity pools, the mainland's futures market is playing an increasingly important role in serving the national economy.

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