Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für hauteur im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her expression never warms from two degrees below thunderous; her dowager's face is crinkled with the papery hauteur of the highborn.
There's a lull, the wind, the engine, and then another iceberg appears, approaching with the hauteur of a huge catwalk model.
She does not think she has ever called anyone "young man" before, but something tells her that the situation will demand a certain hauteur.
He imbues the hauteur of an army officer and emblem of a feudal elite, and why did he agree to be the comptroller-general?
He was unusually good-looking, although his mouth was ascetic and cruel... there was a slightly derisive hauteur in the lift of his eyebrows...
And with negligent hauteur she indicated me.
A sales clerk informed me, with the hauteur of a butler from an ancient estate, that one does not simply show up to look at wedding dresses.
Each has the icy hauteur of a countess who believes herself to have been snubbed by a woman of lower social rank.
The play is full of moments of punctured aristocratic hauteur.
Add in elements of class and privileged education, and hauteur flourishes.

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