Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für householder im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

householder <a householder; householders> SUBST

householder LANDW
householder LANDW
householder LANDW
householder LANDW
householder LANDW
householder (relations)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When mail (post) was delivered, the postman knocked once to let the householders know it was there: they did not need to reply.
Householder income should not be considered when zones are drawn up.
As is the custom, he lived for a time as a householder, and assumed the normal duties of raising and supporting a family.
Several householders were forced to find medium-term temporary accommodation, and many more lost furnishings.
Taxpayers owned 90,000 horses in 1800, with 87% of all householders owning at least one, and two-thirds of the taxpayers owning two or more.
Householder won the track championship against the top drivers in the nation.
Utility companies propose that from a consumer perspective, smart metering offers potential benefits to householders.
According to the rules, if a dwelling has a door and a roof the householder can not be evicted.
Only about 30% of householder planning applications are significantly altered before being granted, or are actually refused permission as unacceptable.
Responsibility rests with the individual householder; the police role is usually restricted to giving free specialist security advice.

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