Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für hunters im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

hunters <a hunter; hunters> SUBST


hunter <a hunter; hunters> SUBST

hunter disease

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hunters of protected species require a hunting license in all states, for which completion of a hunting safety course is sometimes a prerequisite.
Following the winter, many fortune hunters, or 49ers, started to head west to join in the gold rush.
They also learn more about the ways of man, including both hunters and the gamekeeper seeking to protect the deer.
They are used by mounted outfitters, hunters, campers, stockmen and cowboys to carry necessary tools and equipment that can not be carried with the rider.
Alcohol made men less reliable hunters and allies, destabilized village economics and contributed to a rise in poverty.
Reindeer hunters dug systems of pits to catch their pray and these can still be seen.
Other accounts cite lightning as the genesis of the fire as well as careless campers and berry pickers, hunters, and loggers cutting slash.
Their dentition varied, but started to evolve towards the non-masticating teeth of modern cetaceans, and they were probably active hunters.
Hunters, often smalltime operators, "could clean out a stretch of the river in a few weeks time by just setting traps and waiting," he says.
Hunters are required to have both a state and federal duck stamp in possession, as well as a state hunting license, to harvest waterfowl.

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