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Übersetzungen für hydroplane im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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hydroplane <a hydroplane; hydroplanes> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although public use of motorized boats has been banned since at least 1968, the lake was the site of hydroplane races from 1929 to 1984.
He began racing in a non-blown hydroplane, winning in his first event.
In practice this proved totally ineffective since the weights could not be moved quickly enough and hydroplanes and fins were subsequently fitted.
Hill raced an all white blown-fuel hydroplane from 1978 to 1984.
The submarine was built with a steel single hull, a detachable lead keel, and three hydroplanes on each side.
This stepfather is a hall of fame unlimited hydroplane racer who won 62 races and 8 gold cups.
As she did so, an explosion shook the submarine, blowing her upwards and rendering the hydroplanes useless.
Without the use of the hydroplanes, escape would have been impossible and the order to abandon ship was given.
It is the only community-owned unlimited hydroplane in the world.
The fore and aft hydroplanes are still in position and the external torpedo tubes on the bow are a very impressive sight.

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